Sunday, May 18, 2008

Doha, Qatar

Here are some pictures from my trip to Qatar last week.


Doha, the Qatari Capital City

Tea and Hookah in the Old Souq marketplace.

I had a great time in Qatar last week. It was very relaxing to kick back for a few days and rest up. I went a a tour of Doha City that included a lot of sightseeing, shopping, and some local food.
I'm back in Baghdad now; only 6 weeks left and I will be home! Love you all....


Team Manatee said...

I AM SOOOOO-- EXCITED! Those are some great pictures. I can't wait to see you--in 6 weeks. I love you, Jess!

Anonymous said...

Well I am officially Mrs. Gerding (yeah eat your hearts out). I am glad that the time is ticking away and 6 weeks left. We missed you and thought of you at the wedding. Cannot wait to have you on US soil. We both love you very much.
Carrie and Brad

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
You look great and Dad and I can't wait to come out to San Diego when you get home. Hoping that the next 6 weeks pass quickly for you and we will have you back home safe and sound. We are sooooo proud of you! I pray for you everyday and can't wait to meet Leila. we are in Fl and loving it. Aunt Kath and Uncle Jim are here too so you know what we are doing...
Take care of you~ Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
Looks like you had a great time ! I am glad there was a little break for you, I am sure 4 days did not last long enough.Wow 6 weeks, I am very happy that you will be coming home soon,and that Jess can share the last few weeks with you before the baby comes.It's important because that willbe the last time that the two of you will ever be "just a couple".LOL
Jess will be coming up here next week. We can't wait to see her.The baby shower will be fun and I can't wait to visit with everyone.I love when this house is filled up with people. Reminds me of how its always been at Grandma's house.
Elyria Catholic had graduation last week. Alyssa went and played with the band for it. I told Jim in 2 years we wouldn't be dropping her off, it will be her gradution time. trust me Jeff these kids growing up happens way faster than you could ever think possible.Alyssa picked out her class ring this week, she will be 16 this summer!
Megan presented her speech on Morocco this week, Jess gave her a recipe for mint tea, which we improvised just a little bit.( couldn't find fresh mint leaves at 10 pm in the big E town.LOL)
Andrew is a ball of energy. we took him to Columbus and met up with Mom 2 weeks ago. He loves pools and hot tubs! He talks non stop and is just really fun right now.
I am busier than ever working my new job, and it's been really nice to have more time with the kids and nice that I can't volenteer for some things at school and church.I have about another week before summer classes start up and I can't wait to get through with all of these classes so I can be "just like mom"LOL.
Well I hope time passes very quickly and stay safe and strong!!
We All love you very much!!
Love Dawn

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Glad you had some down time. Can't wait for you to be back in the US. The shower for Jess was so nice. She looks great! Grandpa came to the shower so he could visit with everyone too. He even won a prize. We are so proud of you and are also counting the days until you are home.
Love, Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
Happy Father's Day!! Yes I know she not quite here yet, but if you saw Jess, she has already started making her mark on your family!
Jess is so very cute, and I know you are going to be a wonderful father.( She's going to make an awsome mom too!!)
We had her shower last week-end, and it was a lot of fun. It was nice to see Jess and Mom and her friend from Va Beach stayed here too.( Jessica Waegner... A little surprise from mom)
Yesterday we went to Julie's ahower in Fort Wayne. Alyssa drove!! ( yikes) We all survived. Dan and Julie look great and that shower was a lot of fun too.
We all can't wait for you to come home and I am sure you are getting excited to get here.
See you soon!!
Happy Father's Day Brother!!
Love Dawn
P.S.Congrats on the award!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Just got to Florida last night with your Mom. We flew together from Fort Wayne. Their place down here looks great. What is the word on your award? I missed that. I'm sure you are counting the days, so I we. Love you.
Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
Well it's another Sunday in E town. We went to church and our parish fastival last night. We saw Uncle Dave at church, he is doing pretty good. There was a storm so the festival was moved inside but hat was o.k. Today we slept in a little bit, and then the 5 of us went and worked on the yard.
I am taking classes and have been doing pretty good. We have had our first tests and I will find out monday how I did.
Grandpa came over and visited on Thursday and he had dinner with us, he is doing good, and keeping very busy. He asked about you and if I heard anything on the computer about you. He is so proud of you and can't wait for this war to be over. Jessica said you are doing a fabulous job over there and that your superiors are highly impressed.
I spoke with Mom yesterday she is back in Florida and they were going on a boat ride with uncle Jim.
Well only a few more weeks ... Hang in there and hurry home.
Love Ya
P.S. OOOOHHHHHH I almost forgot!!
Thank you so much for giving Jim and I the honor of being Leila's God Parents!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Counting the days now! Your awards are outstanding!!! We emailed the notes to Dan & Julie, Mandi & Steve. We are all so proud of you and can't wait for you to be home to have that little girl. Hard to believe sometimes. Had fun with your Mom & Dad last week in Florida. We love having them for neighbors down there. Love you, Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim