Saturday, March 1, 2008

We're Having a Baby Girl!

Just found out this morning...I'm so proud!


Anonymous said...

I so can't wait to be an AUNT!!!
Love you both!!

Michelle said...

Hey Jeff....Congrats on your baby girl!!!!! Just wanted you to know that your in our prayers everyday. And we are very thankful for you and all the soldiers over there. We are praying for a safe return for all of you.You are our HERO!!!! The Miller's

Unknown said...

She is so cute already! Congrats!

Aunt Kathie said...

I can't believe how clear that picture is. Technology is great.
Love, Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Jeff said...

Aunt Kathie,

I received your package today. Thank you for all the goodies! I got a package from Jessica this week too so I'm pretty set for a while. Isn't that picture AMAZING?? There's a dvd too that Jess is sending. I can't wait to get home!!! Thanks again

Love, Jeff

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff!
Congratulations!!I am so excited for a little girl!:] I hope your doing well. I know you dont have a lot of time to read over there but when you come back you have to read the Kite Runner. It is depressing i'll admit but it really gets into the whole religion differences over there and the little that the citizens have. When we discussed it in class I could not help but share what your doing over there. I am so proud of you and love you very much. Your in my prayers, stay safe. :]

Aunt Kathie said...

Hi Jeff, Glad you got the package. Your Mom has another one ready to mail. I have had a good time with her this winter on the weekends. Sounds like your Dad is really making Dawn & Jim's basement look nice, I can't wait to see it. Steve & Cathie are coming to visit Grampa this week so he is excited. Then Madeline and Mike will be here for Easter with Melissa so he is looking forward to that too. Hope the time is going fast for you it is here. Love you and stay safe.
Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you and Jess. I can definitly imagine you with a little girl. You will be putty in her hands (as it should be) Take care of you and know that we love you and that you are in our prayers.
Carrie & Brad

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
Well we are finally recovering from about 20 inches of snow this week-end!! Poor Dad all this snow and he was stuck in our basement.The basement is coming along nicely.I hope we can have it finished by the time Grandpa comes home! I can't wait for him to see it!
Mom said Jess went to CON. with her brother, maybe I will try and give her a call this week. I know Mom and I are going to try and put together a shower before tooo long!
Andrew has been practicing being gentle, so he can be a good cousin!!LOL
Well talk to you more later! Stay safe!!
Love Dawn

Unknown said...

WOW - a little girl!! Oh, I am so excited for both of you!! You will be wonderful parents! That picture is amazing!! They have come a long way - even since Hunter was born.

Every time I hear anything on the news about Iraq, I say a prayer for you Jeff!! We want you home safe and sound.

Take care and God Bless!

Steph and Family

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
Well another week closer to you coming home!! Dad left last week but he is coming back sometime next week, and mom flys in on Thursday(after Easter) Jim and I took off work this week, the girls are off for Spring Break, so we figured we could have some family time ( and finish the basement)
Dad really has put a lot into that basement it looks really nice and the carpet will only complete it.
I talked with Jess last week end and she was doing pretty good, and was having a good time visiting her bother.
Can you believe that it is Easter already? This year seems so to be flying by, ( I hope it's going fast for you too) sunday we will probably go over Jim's mom for dinner and then spend some quiet time relaxing with Andrew. The girls are visiting with Brian.
Last Tuesday we went up to EC for the band concert and all the grad schools practiced and played with the highschool. Megan thought that was great! Andrew just loved the music
Well I hope you are well, and I hope your Easter is peaceful.
Love your big sister

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Happy Easter! It is cold here but we did get some sunshine. Mandi & Steve are here and are over at Steve's house, it is also his mom's birthday this year. They are comming here later. Jim was in Veagas for the NCAA start and got back in last night. Do you check the scores? Take care we love you,
Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff, Just saying hello and checking in. I am down North Carolina for business killing some time in the airport. Hope you doing well!

Anonymous said...

HI Jeff-
Aunt Thelma passed along your blog info and I just wanted to say congrats on being an expectant dad!You are in my thoughts and I can't wait to hear that you are headed home.

Julie Hill