Thursday, March 27, 2008

Boots on Ground: Day 68 of 179

Hello everyone! Thank you all for the comments! I can't wait to get home to see everyone. Sorry its taken so long to post, the hours at work have not let up and if you've been reading the news you probably understand why. Everything has been fine where I am; I'm nice and cozy here at "Campus" Victory!

There's a hold-em tournament coming up that I hope to play in if I can get away from work. Should be a crazy fun summer. All the free near-beer you can drink, or at least as much as you can carry out of the dining facility. Mmmm. Yeah, I'm having the time of my life. Really, you should come for a visit.
The pool (we call it "Rehab") is officially open and we just got a shipment of 1000 golf balls to hit into the lake. There's a small island with an Australian flag on it and we use that for a chipping green. It used to be an American flag but the Aussie's stole it and put their flag in its place. To get back at them we untied their dingy and let it float across the lake, and they had to go all the way around to get it. Then we put our flag back, but this time we left the Aussie flag next to it. Our flag is slightly higher, of course. We got the last laugh, for now anyway. We also aim for the general's window, but never get close since we all suck at golf. I heard someone hit it the other day, but as of yet there's been no revocation of golfing privileges around the lake! It's fun meeting people from other countries in the coalition, despite the unusual circumstance, and always great to blow off steam and laugh about how ridiculous the entire situation is.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff!
Mom and Dad are here and the basement is getting the finishing touches.( Maybe Dad will let us visit it someday LOL) The carpet is it looks like a brand new house.(Well almost)
Andrew is running around and he can't wait to go to the bitmint(basement). Mom has been chasing after him because he likes to run run run.Andrew can say Uncle Jeff now and he is working on Aunt Jessica, but its not very good yet.
The girls have been on spring break, but not a fun one. Jim and I took off the week and it has been a cleaning and fixing vaction.
I am signed up for some summer classes and I am getting ready to change jobs soon.
Looks like you only have 111 days left. Do you think they will stick to that date? I sure hope so.
Take it easy and be careful with those golfballs might take another 3 months to get more!LOL They don't give you guys real beer??
Well it's friday in E town. I guess we better order some fish or smitty burgers wish you were here!!
Love Dawn

Unknown said...

Hey J.
Saturday AM and Dad is doing his thing in the basement. He says this is his last work trip so he has to finish everything. It looks great, and he had worked very hard.
We are going to see Bill and Lee Marsh tonight. It's been a long time since we caught up with old friends.
Jess called last night but I missed the call. I'll give her a call today. I may be in CA for my next assignment...near LA, I think. If I go there, I hope she can come and visit for awhile.
Sounds like the resort where you are staying is awesome and all compliments of Uncle Sam. Who knew? Did you put your magnet picture of Leila on your fridge? Do you have a fridge?
I'll get another box in the mail soon, anything you'd like me to send? I assume you found the surprise in the Brownie box...that was Uncle Jim again.
Take care and keep your head down.
Love. Mom

Al said...

Though I don't know your very well, we have the Marine Corps in common. My Godfather, is your Grandfather. A good man I hold in high esteem. Your mother and I are cousins and good friends. I have heard of your travels and many accomplishments. You have kept the pulse of pride alive in your family and given yourself something to feel good about the rest of your life. We all thank you for yours selflessness.

Your father, grandfather, and I can only give advise from far away. Though your mission (Freedom for All) is a very noble cause the United States of America is in need of good men, engineers, professionals as yourself, more than ever before. A few things I learned in the Corps still hold true today:

1. You are only as strong as your weakest link. This is not just a physical thing. All those under you need to know also what is going on.

2. Don't be afraid to delegate authority, faith can move mountains. Everyone needs to feel important.

3. Don't leave anything to chance. Cover all the bases. It's usually the little things that turn out to be so important.

4. If something doesn't seem quite right don't let it go. Ask for help from others.

5. It's all about doing your job, get in, get it, and get out! Your needed back home.


Unknown said...

good luck in the hold em tourney. dont chase A's or low pairs!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Uncle Jim and I are enjoying the last week or so with Grandpa in Florida. It has been a great winter for him. He will fly home with me on April 16th. We are going into Indy so I hope to show him Mandi & Steve's house and then go on to Fort Wayne. He will stay a couple days with me then I will take him on to Elyria. He is looking forward to seeing Dawn & Jim's basement. So glad to hear you guys get a little fun. Good luck in the tourney. Saw a picture of Jess, what a cute Mommy she makes. Can't wait to have you back in the states. Love you!!!! Aunt Kathie & Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
How was this week?
My week has been a little crazy, this Friday will be my last day ( at least for 6 months)at Murray Ridge. I am taking a leave without pay. I am going to be helping Scott's step-mom for now and taking some extra classes this summer. So things should be pretty exciting!
I talked with mom yesterday she said that she was able to speak o you yesterday. She said you sounded pretty good!
Jess sent some pictures of herself and mom forwarded them to me. She is so cute !!
Well the basement is finished and it looks GREAT!! Dad did a great job on it. I can't wait for Grandpa to see it!
At church today there was a convertable corvette sitting right outside! St Mary's is raffling it off, and man it was Sweet! That is going to look SOOOO great parked on Bon Air!! LOL
Well take it easy and have a good week!
Love your Sister Dawn

You have to have an open mind. Don't look for a Baby, and you will see the Baby! Once you see it you won't see anything else!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
Another weeks is over! Hope everything is going ok and that your time is passing quickly for you too.
I am not sure how that last comment got on my last post.Maybe it was something that I pasted.Anyways...

This has been quite a crazy week here for us. Friday was my last day at work for awhile. The superintendent granted my 6month leave and I will be taking care of Mary Jane (Scott's stepmom) and loading up on some classes this summer. I plan to start clinicals for nursing in Fall of 09.
Wednesday morning we discovered both of our cars were broken into.They went through papers in the dash, and took the diaper bag, but the diaper bag was found a few houses down. I guess we didn't have anything worth taking.LOL They even left the change.
Megan is still working on her project on Morocco, Jess sent her some info and pictures and Megan is far beyond any of her classmates as far as putting things together.Megan also took
2nd place in the shotput last weekend at her track meet. I think she may have found a sport that she can master!
Alyssa passed her test to get her temps for driving. How scarey is that!! I just can't believe that she is old enough to be driving. Jeff, enjoy the baby and little girl years because I totally can't fathom sending Alyssa off to college in another 2 years.
Jim seems to be happy with the basement and was so happy I came up with other projects to keep him busy.LOL Yesterday we cleaned out the florida room.For now we are going to keep the baby things and store them in the attic. I think sometime in May I will try and put together a garage sale, or maybe just make a trip to the good will.
Mom and I talked for awhile yesterday and my first week off I will be getting things together for Jess' shower. It's going to be so FUN.
Well have a safe week and know that we think about you often!
Love your sister Dawn

Anonymous said...

Hey there! just thought i would drop u a line. Grandpa Fuchs and Aunt Kathie stopped by yesterday before Grandpa went home to see the basement. They thought it realy looked nice too!
This has been a much calmer week for me. I worked with MJ and took her shopping a lot, but i really got caught up on things around this house when I wasn't at work.
I am signed up for classes for summer and fall, it's going to be tough but only for a little while.
Alyssa went with the girlscouts camping this weekend. Megan is doing really great with track, she took 3rd place in the shot put again this week.Andrew is just doing the "Andrew thing" he is into everything ALL the time..LOL
I made arrangements for Jess' shower this week-end. We are going to have a luncheon at the Oberlin Inn it should be nice.
Well I hope your week is safe and productive .
Love your sister Dawn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff.

WOW! Where to start. First we want to say CONGRATS to you and Jessica on the pregnancy. AMAZING! We are both so happy for you and know you'll make incredible parents!

We think of you often and keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. We were just looking through our wedding album the other day and were talking about you... wondering how you were, what you were doing, if you were still deployed, etc. We think your blog is great and a good way to keep in contact with all us civilian folk. Keep us updated when you get the chance. Stay safe and thank you for having a part in keeping our country safe! We wish you all the best. God bless you and your family!

Our love and thoughts,
Christin and Paul