Thursday, February 28, 2008

The news...

Now that's a war face!

Some of you might have read in the news about a rocket attack on Camp Victory last week. I didn't want to talk about it right away for two reasons. First, I couldn't due to operational security, and second, I didn't want to worry anyone. The Associated Press released news of the attack only two hours after it happened, and my resourceful wife found it almost immediately on her own (go figure...). Also, I see from the comments section that my mom read about it USA Today. So I guess the cat is officially out of the bag!

The bottom line is that I'm obviously ok. Let's just say that it was a close call and hopefully the last time it happens while I'm here. I'll tell the full story down the road sometime. You can read the AP news release by clicking here.

The attack came from rogue elements of Jaysh al Mahdi (JAM) who disobeyed the ceasefire order from Muqtada al-Sadr, a radical Shiite Cleric and leader of JAM. Iran (predominantly Shi'a) is believed to be encouraging these types of attacks and providing weapons and money to those who will disobey the ceasefire. Three days after the attack, al-Sadr extended his army's ceasefire for an additional six months. This action was to his political advantage because it gives him a position of power to leverage the US and Iraqi governments in the future. The US has praised the six month extension - the original ceasefire has contributed significantly to the reduction of violence in Iraq and will likely continue to do so. We'll see what happens, but it should be interesting.

BT - Break Transmission

Ok, ok, I'll get off my soapbox for now. Onto some good news: Friday we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl!! I'll be sure to post the results tomorrow night so stay tuned...

Also, HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY TO MY LOVELY WIFE!!! You're almost thirty, you're almost thirty haha! (hey she did the same to me in November).

Ok, gotta catch some z's. Stay classy San Diego.

I love you all, please keep us in your prayers...


Team Manatee said...

Thank you Baby---I love you!!!! I am not old, I am wiser. I love it when you get on your soap box---so stay up there and continue to keep us informed! The flowers are soooo beautiful, I love them. You are an amazing husband and I know without any doubts that you will be a wonderful father. You are the world to me!!! I love you with all of my heart. Jess

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are ok.
It sounds very scary. Well I am sure you are excited to find out if you guys are having a boy or a girl. You will find that somehow the thing that matters the most is heathly and safe. There are definate benefits to either girls or boys.
Alyssa has been getting ready to take her graduation test, and Megan has started her term paper on Morocco ( wonder where she came up with that topic?? Thanks Jess! LOL)Andrew continues to make us laugh with his talking and repeating us. Jim is still working in the basement, we figure we might see him by spring. I am keeping busy and getting prepared to make a career move. I am going to be working a more part time job so I can finish up with school.

Well keep us informed and stay safe!! Love you baby brother!!
Love Dawn

Anonymous said...

A GIRL!!!!!! YEAH! Can't wait to meet her and spoil can't stop me! I know it is exciting to find out and begin planning her life...we'll see how that works out.
Sorry we missed your phone call last Sat nite. Next time try again. By the time we were awake and coherent enough to realize the phone was ringing, you were gone.
Glad to hear that you are ok. The time seems to be passing slowly from this side of the world but I hope it is going by faster for you.
You are in my prayers always and can't wait to hug you.
Stay safe. Love, Mom