Sunday, January 20, 2008

Boots On Ground: Day 2 of 179

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my first post! It is great to hear from all of you. I have arrived at Camp Virginia in Kuwait and the official clock is now ticking. Its probably way too early to starting counting, but I don't care! The base here is pretty adequate overall. There is a PX (that's a general store for you civilian-types!), a Baskin Robbins, McDonald's, Subway, Pizza Inn, Grean Bean Coffee (Starbucks rip-off), a huge gym, and lots of sand! The food at the mess hall is edible, and that's not saying much. I got Scarlet Johansson's autograph today and took a picture with her. She is doing a USO tour to visit the troops. She's a lot shorter than she looks on screen, and not nearly as pretty as Jessica! haha

I will only be here for a short time before I move on to Iraq. In the meantime, I will be training for the next few days and adjusting to the time difference. It is 11 hours ahead of PST here. The weather is mild this time of year, so I have that going for me. It gets up to about 70 during the day and down around 30 at night. In the summer in can get up to 139 degrees F! That record was set here in Kuwait in 2006, surpassing Death Valley's record in 1914 at 136 degrees F. It gets so hot that your body cannot sweat because it evaporates immediately. Well, I gotta run ... my time limit on the computer is up! God bless everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,
It is so great to have this blog and be able to hear from you. Uncle Steve and I have you always in our thoughts and prayers. I ask everyone I know to also keep you in prayer. Keep your faith in God, He is and will always be with you and will bring you back home safely to all of us, your family. We look forward to all your letters and we love you very much.
Uncle Steve and Aunt Cathie

Aunt Kathie said...

Jeff, We are so glad we can hear from you so often and know what you are doing. I hope that you will continue to NOT miss the dog. LOL Love you! Aunt Kathie

Uncle Steve said...

HI Jeff,glad to hear you got to Kuaite.Looking fowward to reading the news from their! you will be in our prayers.

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff, I hope all is well with you. Just a little note to say how proud of you we all are. Keep your faith in god and everything will be fine. Cant wait to see ya again dude.You will always be in prayers!


Anonymous said...

God Speed!!
Thank You for being one of the brave men and woman serving for the Great USA!!
I pray your time there goes quick and you will be home safe and sound soon!!
Your sisters Aunt Jane

Dawn Nagy said...

Hey Jeff
This is really great that we will be able to hear from you! We talked to Jess yesterday, she sounds very good! Glad to hear you made it there safe.
Do what you need to do and time will pass quickly.
Love you lots

Anonymous said...

Hey man,

What you should be thinking about while your out there, is what were going to do when you get back. I live in New England Bro! The fun option is endless! Maybe Vegas... It's up to you!

Happy Martin Luther king day!

I just thought of it!

Question Number 1 ... You must answer in your blog for all to see... Take as much time as you want... The best meal you ever ate and who was with you. It has to be a combination of things... Food, Atmosphere, Company

While your thinking of the answer... I'm thinking of another question.

Love you bro!

Gale said...

Your Mom sent me your blog site and I'm glad she did. I'm so glad we can come here to hear from you and see what you are doing. I'm sure you have heard this a million times but we are so proud of you! Congratulations to you and Jessica on the pending birth of your baby. Whenever I think of you I say a little with all these people praying for you I know you will come home safe. Take care of yourself and remember that we love you.
Love, Aunt Gale, Uncle David, Wesley and Katie

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff
Hope all is well. Dad is still here working on the basement. I made chicken paprikash today( I'll save you some!!) It's been pretty cold here lately. I am back in school again! (wish you were here to help through Chemistry Yikes)
Well just thought I would leave ya a little note! God Bless and Keep you!!
Love your Sister

Jeff said...

Hey everybody this is Jeff. I have arrived in Baghdad. I can't post a new blog right now but as soon as I can I'll get you all updated!

Anonymous said...

I am soooo Happy to hear you are there and safe.We check your blog often and it's really neat to be able to see all the prayers coming your way!! Sometimes it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky!! Stay Safe Fival your family loves you!!
Love Dawn

Unknown said...

Hey Jeff!

Glad to hear you are doing ok. Maddie was talking about you in school today because her class is writing letters to soldiers in Iraq. Do you have an address she could send some letters to? We hope to hear more from you soon!

Stay safe and God Bless!!

Love Steph and Family

Anonymous said...

I got your text but i was on the bus heading towards Florida and never got to text back. I hope you have fun because time flies when you are having fun. So maybe if you have fun you will be back in no time


Anonymous said...

Hey J
It's Sat and I am back in FMB. I will go to KY on Wed and stay through Sun, then come back to Sarasota. The sun is coming out so we are going to the pool over at grandpa's place and spend the day with him. He has been fishing some but hasn't caught anything so far. Hope you are well and time is passing quickly for you. I will send Steph your mailing address in an e-mail. Take care and stay safe. Loveyou! Mom